Review From The House
Dancing to Dubai on Cunard's Queen Mary 2

Dancing to Dubai on Cunard's Queen Mary 2
This travelblogue will follow my journey on a 16 night cruise aboard the Queen Mary 2 from Hong Kong to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
As well as a culinary diary of the QM2 cuisine, and the dance, theatrical and other experiences, I will be keeping up with the blogging A to Z Challenge a thirty day writing challenge in which the task is to write a daily blog dealing each day sequentially with a topic sequentially through the alphabet. In my Challenge Blog I will focus on the themes of cruising, dance, and food, but from an informational approach rather than narrative.
I hope you will enjoy the travelblogue, Dancing to Dubai, and the challenge, by subscribing to The feed will let you know when a new story is posted and you can then choose whether to read the full posting. I would love to receive your comments at so I can know you are journeying along with me.
Next up: Exercising my spontaneity gene or Return to Index.