Review From The House
Baltic Dance Cruise - we're on our way

Baltic Dance Cruise - we're on our way
It’s been two years since I sat with the Future Cruise agent on Cunard’s fabulous Queen Mary 2, figuring out that I could follow a Baltic Cruise on the Queen Elizabeth with a westbound Transatlantic cruise on the Queen Mary 2, that would get me back to New York. And today we’re off to the UK to board the ship.
All the careful planning leading up to the trip seemed for naught when the threat of a strike by the Westjet pilots loomed. On previous cruises from Southampton I have flown into Heathrow and spent a few days in London seeing as much theatre as I could pack in. This time I had booked to fly Westjet to Gatwick Airport, with two nights in Southampton before boarding. So I had quite a few sleepless nights before the news broke that the strike had been averted.
Here is the link to follow our dance adventures as we cruise to St. Petersburg and back.
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