Numbers, Statistics and other good info

Numbers, Statistics and other good info

Numbers, Statistics and other good info

As my once excellent memory now needs regular tune-ups and then still does not work too well, I found that checking some information from my last blog of travel to London and France came in quite helpful. I decided it was worth making a few notes for future travel.

Anyway this trip I am the most organized. Actually packed … almost… a day in advance. Remembering the embarrassment of squatting in front of my suitcase on the floor of Gatwick Airport, trying to squeeze the contents of my backpack into my already jam packed case was not the most positive thought about that last trip. It was just after the big London crisis and the airlines had restricted the size of the one carry on bag allowed, to something about the size of a box of chocolates. Fortunately as I was meditating about carry on baggage there was a ping from my computer and BA informed me that as of now, 2008, two carry on items were being allowed on flights out of Britain. The maximum weight of an individual bag was 23 kgs which sounded like nothing till I realized it was almost 70 lbs. Since my bag of 24 lbs is pretty heavy, I don’t think that weight restriction will bother me much. Checked the carry on size through Heathrow is back to normal.

I checked the forecast for London expecting somehow that it would be colder than Vancouver but the predicted highs for the next few days range from 6 to 11 Celsius and lows from 3 to 9. For the same period here we expect highs of 2 to 8 and lows of 2 to 6. So a grey wet London – I guess I will have to pack an umbrella after all but at least then I won’t need boots that I have to lug with to SA.

I printed out a map of the London Theatres and of the most direct route from my hotel to Leicester Square. How did we manage before the age of the internet? Naturally none of the West End theatres seem to have Sunday shows. Would you not think in a rational world that some theatres would be dark Mondays or Tuesdays so that they can attract a Sunday audience.