London Transport

London Transport

London Transport

I am impressed. We went into a holding pattern around Heathrow but still landed almost on time. For about ten minutes we circled around. I could see the green crazy patchwork of fields and hedges, like a jigsaw puzzle without any of the round protruding pieces. I had one of those pink fast track folders so went through immigration in about two minutes, my suitcase was out in about five minutes and I was heading down the ramp to catch the Heathrow express which takes you into London in 15 minutes. Cost about 29 pounds for a return ticket. – actually why am I impressed? - that’s about 62 dollars, not cheap.

At Paddington I took a cab. Unlike Vancouver the cabbie does not get out and put your case in the car. So I struggled with the suitcase and then more or less collapsed into the cab, backpack weighing me down and purse strangling my neck. The fare should have been about 10 pounds according to the driver. However, like Vancouver t here is street construction everywhere, and when we were stuck in traffic with the meter ticking on towards 12 pounds the driver suggested he drop me on Charing Cross Road and I could walk the rest of the way. So there I was lugging my suitcase, backpack bouncing on my back, purse round my neck…

Anyway, my room was ready so I checked in, washed up and after briefly debating the merits of a nap, decided instead to head down to Leicester Square where I picked up a ticket for the 7:30 pm show of Dirty Dancing. I thought if I was to see a show after no sleep in 24 hours it should be something that would keep me awake and my toes tapping. Great choice as it turns out.