La Quercia

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La Quercia

parmesan souffle  with saved asparugusLa Quercia,

3689 West 4 Avenue

Vancouver, BC

Ph: (604) 676-1007 or Reserve online

Continuing my exploration of supping locales close to the theatres at UBC and  Jericho Arts Centre  (where we were going to see The Misanthrope), we booked at La Quercia, on West 4th Avenue, near Alma.

This is a small intimate Italian restaurant and obviously a  neighbourhood gem because there was not an empty table by the time we left. Their wine list features Italian wines exclusively.  I had a glass of the Riff 2008 Pino Grigio.

lamb "two ways"Our server explained the fresh sheet items that were additional to the regular menu. The specials were also written on a large chalk board on the wall.

To start I wavered between the spot prawn appetizer and the Sformato di parmigiano  on the regular menu. I chose the latter - a parmesan souffle with balsamic and thin shaved asparagus,  and it was absolutely delicious. The asparugus lightly tossed with vinegar added a tartness that contrasted nicely with the creamy sweetness of the souffle.

My companion chose the fresh sheet asparagus soup with scallop-stuffed morels and declared it quite delectable.

duck confitWe skipped the pasta course although my companion was eyeing the linguine alla puttanesca at the tables on either side of us with a rather covetous air.

I decided to order the Anatra confit - duck leg confit. The duck was wonderfully tender and just melted off the bone. It was served with spring greens, beans and a gellied disc that I found a bit flavourless. I also do not eat broad beans - there is something about the texture that I dislike. So for me the vegetables were not great complements to the duck - but I will know for next time that I should request an alternate vegetable.

My companion ordered from the fresh sheet - the Lamb "two ways".  The  duo of roasted sirloin and braised deboned lamb neck came with fingerling potatoes. I tasted  both the sirloin and the braised lamb and both were tender and tasty.

Our bill came with two tiny perfectly baked meringues. Yummy. By the time we got the bill settled we had twenty minutes to get to Jericho, and made it to the theatre just as the house was opened for seating.

We both agreed that La Quercia would go on our list of recommendations for supping in the area.

La Quercia on Urbanspoon