Supping Away: Toronto. Wish

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Supping Away: Toronto. Wish

chorizo, cheese and caramelized onion omeletteWish

3 Charles Street, Toronto, ON

Ph: (416) 935-0240

Wish on Urbanspoon

the club sandwichOn our second day of rambling through Toronto downtown neighborhoods we headed north towards Yorkville. Again on a recommendation of a friend, we dropped in to Wish on Charles Street, to see if we could get lunch.

Although all the outdoor patio tables were taken we were comfortably seated at an indoor table right at the open door and joined the fresh air. All three of us wanted a light lunch but or definitions of light lunch differed somewhat.

spinach salad with stilton cheeseI opted for the featured omelette of the day - with aged cheddar cheese, chorizo and caramelized onions. The omelette was beautifully cooked, light and fluffy with the spicy flavour of the chorizo melding with the  tartness of the cheese and the sweet onions.

The other two choices were  salad and the club sandwich; each bite a hefty mouthful of chicken, bacon, lettuce and tomato served with a herbed mayonnaise.

The spinach salad with caramelized apples and pecans, served with large blobs of stilton cheese received oohs and ahhs of appreciation from my friend who like me, loves stilton cheese.(see my story on a Port and Stilton Tasting).

The food was universally excellent. The only quibble I had was that the service was really slow, but there was a rather large party next to us and anyway our waiter had such a charming smile that we forgave the slow service.

Replete, we wandered back out into the extraordinary sunshine of Toronto in March, and continued on our explorations.