Supping Away: Stratford. Down the Street

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Supping Away: Stratford. Down the Street

chicken liver mousseDown the Street Bar and Restaurant

30 Ontario Street

Stratford, Ontario

Ph: 513-273-5886

Down the Street Bar and Restaurant on Urbanspoon

We spent the morning exploring the town and around noon, found our way to Down The Street. It's a small narrow restaurant and at my request we were seated in the back at a table next to a window, where the light was good for photography.

We decided to share an appetizer and with minimal discussion agreed on the chicken liver mousse with  baguette toasts and sweet and sour cippolini onions. The mousse came in a little round dish with a layer of chicken fat protecting the contents. We removed the fat layer and savoured the creamy rich pate below.

grilled steak sandwichpulled pork sandwich with creamy coleslawOur sandwich entrees were a pulled pork sandwich served with creamy slaw, BBQ sauce and fresh cut fries, and a grilled marinated flank steak, served on a baguette with grilled red onions, Gorgonzola cheese, arugula, smoked paprika mayonnaise  and fries.

Both sandwiches were very tasty. I love the onion, Gorgonzola and steak combination of texture and flavour but I just could not eat all the bread.

Looking at the remains of the baguette on my plate, Amanda suggested I should have ordered the flank steak sandwich without the sandwich part. Hmmm. But then it would not strictly be a sandwich, would it?

Good meal, good value. I'd go back.