
I was reflecting on what retirement means to me. Becoming a new entrepreneur at 70, launching my podcast Growing Older Living Younger 6 years later, and of course writing this book, kept me optimistic, happy and energized, and sustained me through the dark days of the pandemic.  Active retirement provides a path to aging that is rich in mental, physical, social and cultural growth.

Do any of you do cryptic crossword puzzles? My favourite Saturday morning ritual after my early morning walk, is to sit down with a mug of dark roast coffee and cream and tackle the cryptic crossword by Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon.  

Three years of research, validating and writing, and the final manuscript is in to the publisher.

Do you think that taking good care of your skin would take up too much of your time?


From time to time right after someone has said to me "I can't believe you are  --  years,  you look so much younger" or "your skin looks great", they follow up with "you must spend a lot of time on your skin care." I really don't, but what I do works.

I founded my website 11 years ago to write about theatre, food and wine, ballroom dance and travel. When I started  blogging, theatre reviews were mainly in print form, and few people were taking pictures of their restaurant dishes. How times have changed. When I retired from medical practice to focus on reviewfromthehouse, my writing and the arts, I certainly had no thought that I would ever be writing about medical and scientific research into living and aging well.

Growing Older while Living Young: Thoughts on Aging Youthfully

As I read and researched aspects of healthy aging for my book, Growing Older Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably, i amassed far more information than could be included in the book. In this blog, in no specific order, I will share incidents and related research that has helped or hindered me on my path of healthy aging or that I found of special interest.