gene expression

I was reflecting on what retirement means to me. Becoming a new entrepreneur at 70, launching my podcast Growing Older Living Younger 6 years later, and of course writing this book, kept me optimistic, happy and energized, and sustained me through the dark days of the pandemic.  Active retirement provides a path to aging that is rich in mental, physical, social and cultural growth.

Growing Older while Living Young: Thoughts on Aging Youthfully

As I read and researched aspects of healthy aging for my book, Growing Older Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and the Art of Retiring Comfortably, i amassed far more information than could be included in the book. In this blog, in no specific order, I will share incidents and related research that has helped or hindered me on my path of healthy aging or that I found of special interest.

“Genes are merely the blueprint, epigenetics is the contractor." (Bruce Lipton 1944 - )

Epigenetics is a word we are hearing a lot about these days. Epigenetics refers to changes of gene expression that are not due to changes in the DNA sequence of the gene. 

Way back when I was  first taught  about genetics in school, the focus was on Mendelian genetics, and autosomal dominant and recessive genes.